Speaking of feastivals, ye olde 116 Oxford decided to have a potluck last night, and it was brilliant. The menu was as follows:
Dom = pasta with pesto and tomato sauce (this has quickly become a household favourite)
Greg = garlic egg drop soup over crusty bread
Rachel = tiramisu cupcakes (recipe courtesy of Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World)
Sara = mixed green salad
Ed = veggie pot pies
The subject of this entry is the latter item, since it is, well, so awesome that I can't NOT tell you all about it. This recipe is based on Joy of Cooking's chicken or turkey potpie recipes, tweaked for us veggies/vegans. Special shout out to Greg and Ed for all the photographing.
1) Prepare the dough for pastry of your choice. We used puff pastry dough, rolled out and cut into small personal serving-friendly sized bits, and stuffed into ramekins for baking. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

2) Prepare your chicken substitute. We've used commercial veggie chicken strips, but this time we decided to go homemade and stir fried some pressed tofu and then tossed it with jerk seasoning.

3) In large skillet over medium-high heat, melt 2 tbsp margarine and cook 1 medium onion, 3 medium carrots, and 2 small celery ribs (all chopped into oblivion by this crazy chopper thingy that Ed's parents gifted him for Christmas - thanks guys! And also, thanks for Joy of Cooking!).

4) Melt in another saucepan 4 tbsp margarine, and whisk in 1/2 cup flour. Add 2 cups veggie broth and whisk till smooth. Then add 1 1/2 cups milk substitute (we used almond) and whisk till smooth. Increase the heat and simmer, whisking constantly and cook for about 3 minutes. Season with fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper, and nutmeg.

5) Stir veggies and tofu into creamy mixture, and then load up this gooey victory into your prepared pastry shell.

6) Bake for 30-40 minutes, eat, and die happy.