Sunday, August 23, 2009

Holy balls

It's been a long time since either Em or I posted.

My excuse: Ed's camera, which I was constantly bogarting to take pictures of my creations, broke. When it's fixed, I swear I'll flog more, I swear!

Emily's excuse: For now, we're just going to assume that she sucks. Hah!

As for a summer food update, 116 Oxford has been enjoying the wonderous bounty of community supported agriculture since June. Thanks, Kawartha Ecological Growers! These guys are a collective of 20+ family farms producing a variety of earth-candy (patent pending, patent pending, patent pending), and following ecological growing principles. By buying a share, we support local farmers directly, ensuring they've got an income for the season. In return for our support, these super-friendly folks provide us each week with a buttload of awesome produce, ripped straight out of the ground right before making its way down from the Kawarthas to our greedy mitts. Awesome, no? New food discoveries for me this year include garlic scapes (which I turned into the most garlicky and delicious... and garlicky... pesto evar) and currants (which I'd eaten in jam form before but never fresh- delicious!).

Speaking of the Kawarthas, have you guys heard of Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park? It's a non-operational park, meaning that there're backcountry facilities like composting toilets and banked firepits, but you don't have to pay for a permit! Perfect for thrifty backcountry lovin' folk like me and you. Rightsies?

Anyhow, actual recipe-filled entries are forthcoming, as soon as aforementioned magic-photo-box is operational again. Hope all 3 of you who read this blog are having amazing summer foodventures. Dombot out!