It's getting cold! Darn. Yesterday we decided that it was time to grab all of the remaining veggies out of the garden before it got frosty. Most of these are green tomatoes that haven't had time to mature due to the late start and sadly on-time end to the growing season. This year we tried growing a couple of heirloom varieties in the garden: Costolutu Genovese (the bumpy ones, good for sauce), and some Yellow Perfection (the rounder ones, good for eating fresh). We've also got a few beans and cucumbers left. We're hoping to ripen some of the tomatoes on the windowsill (my mom's idea) and probably just eat the rest green. Ed's aunt Katie says that they're good breaded and fried. Any other suggestions? Also, if anyone in the area wants some green tomatoes, we've got plenty, as you can see. Behold baskets one and two:

And basket three, post-washing:

Finally, it was farm share Friday today, and I took my new cargo bike trailer (pictures to come) to go pick up our share. This week, we've got celery, kale, eggplants, shelling beans, cooking onions, serrano peppers, cauliflower, butternut squash (yay!), raspberries (double yay!), German butterball potatoes, and cherry tomatoes.

Time to go eat!