I had some crappy mangoes bought for cheaps at the farmer's market (I never learn) so I decided to sacrifice one to a cooking experiment.

Experiment succesfull! Delicious hypothesis was supported by all lines of evidence.
Recipe! With my usual approximations of amounts.
1/2 pkg plain tempeh cut into strips
1 mango
1 large clove of garlic
1 cork-sized chunk of ginger
some oil
small dollop agave or maple syrup
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp red chili sauce
First cut up the mango. I would say for a regular non-crappy farmer's market mango you would slice up half (skin removed) and juice the other half. Mix most of the juice, soy sauce, agave, chili sauce and about half hte garlic and ginger and a maybe about 4 tbsp of water together.
Heat a little oil in a pan on medium high heat along with the little bit of juice you saved. Toss in garlic and ginger and then lay out tempeh strips. When one side has been suitably seared (cast iron rocks the socks off all other pans for searing) flip the strips and while the second side is searing toss in the mango slices and cashews in. When the second side is done turn the heat down pretty low and toss your liquidy portion in. Let this all simmer nicely until you can't possibly wait any longer. Consume.
I tossed this over some soba noodles along with some very lightly stir-fried red cabbage, spinach and broccoli with soy sauce, sesami oil and sesami seeds. The juice forms a delicious sweet crust on the tempeh, the chili sauce, garlic and ginger add some kick and the mango is sweet, delicious chunks of goodness.
Sometimes I wish I had room-mates just for food-sharing purposes. EAting alone is much less fun.