It's corn season!

As the demise of BBQ-friendly weather looms closer, the 116 Oxfordites have decided to send it off in style.
We boiled some beets, sliced them up and tossed them with olive oil and salt and pepper, and then wrapped them up in foil and let them join some fresh corn on the grill. Serve beets with peppered Ontario goat cheese = pure win.

And to usher in the beginning of autumn and the receipt of apples from our farmshare, we made applesauce! Peel n' slice em'...

Add some water...

Add some brown sugar...

Nutmeg, cinnamon, and cayenne (this was an experiment)...

Let reduce on high heat...

Turned out kinda thick, and we might have burned it a tiiiiiny bit (poor poor pot), but it is super-amazing when thinned out with some water.

Hope you're all enjoying the fruits of the season, and the beautiful fall weather. I personally can't wait to see more fall produce- squash especially.
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