Friday, May 27, 2011

Wow, a dinner that used 3 different dishes! MIRACLE

I was having a major nesting day and was thinking about how little effort I usually put into cooking these days while I cleaned and organized like only someone whose pregnancy hormones are in wishful-thinking mode* can. I often just opt to make some quick vegan version of whatever Jim (and sometimes kids) are having. This seems to result in spaghetti, lots and lots of spaghetti.
Anyway, I decided today I wanted to make a full meal even if I was the only one eating it. I whipped up: roasted potatoes, sauteed kale with caramelized onion and baked BBQ tofu.
The BBQ tofu was the usual adaptation of the Veganomicon recipe. It's very easy but it's one of my favourite things and always results in leftovers perfect for sammich makin'. I even had enough time today to marinate my pressed tofu slices before baking.
To recap the recipe (with approximated measurements): 1 tsp olive oil + 1 tbsp soy sauce + a squeeze of siracha + a dash of liquid smoke, garlic powder, paprica and pepper. Slice tofu into broad slabs and dredge both sides of slices in the marinade in a glass baking dish. I let sit for about 2 hours, flipping occasionally. Then bake at 350 for 15 min, flip bake another 15 min. Slather BBQ sauce over the slices and bake for another 15 min. Done!

*Not that I actually wish I was pregnant, but at a certain time of the month my hormones sure do!

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